Assignment: Modeling Chaucer's characterization of his pilgrims, write a characterization of yourself, using
third person point of view, being sure to include
plot, setting, and characterization as you choose precise
Mrs. Gillmore's Pilgrimage
Standing before students, sitting with students,
Talking with students, listening to students,
Modeling for students, writing with students,
Reading with teachers, reading with students,
Mrs. Gillmore completes her 33 year career in education.
She left the secondary world at year 25
upon obtaining her doctorate in education,
Moving to the undergraduate world
working with teacher-wanna-be's.

At the age of 47, Mrs. Gillmore's GRANDkids returned.
Their parents deciding to end their career in the military,
returning to the Plant World, spending time with Tam Tam.
Tea parties, picnics at the River, wagon rides, Gingerbread-making.
Time for nails. hair, and Girl Dates.
Fun, this was for Mrs. Gillmore,
experiencing the lives of these two precious babies
turning into young ladies, growing, sparkling,
again, modeling.
Always modeling the behaviors of who they will one day be.
At the age of 46, Mrs. Gillmore began leading a Sunday School class.
Learning more than the attendees, she thrived as she experienced
their fears, their troubles, their successes, their growth,
their life's experiences.
The class grew, divided...and grew and divided.
Those first attendees? Now leaders of the newbies.
Music her thing, although only by ear.
Mrs. Gillmore found the time to learn to read music,
thereby, learning more and more songs,
playing more and more songs,
all Sunday long.
The Hubby retired to plant, to shoot, to make honey-do's,
yearly traveling with his wife on a trip to some state,
all 50 their goal.
Crafty he now is, building, sanding, painting, selling.
His wife had the ideas; he had the brawn.
Together, they became J & T's Gillmore Designs.
Flags his love, seasonal his fun.
A marksman he still is, having time now to travel
time to travel and instruct, time to model and lead.
A Patriot, he is, his wife standing with him
for love of country, that is why.
Her daughter Holly...the miracle heart baby?
She married, became a teacher.
Could more grands be in the future?
Tea sets stay in place.
Play dates penciled in the calendar.
Family dinners with kids all three.
Grandkids now number three plus three.
Tam Tam and Papaw John smile,
as all six they load up with Moe and Joe,
and off they go.
Retirement soon?
Too much to do.
Too little time to share The Good News.