Monday, January 22, 2018

Is the Sky Really Falling?

The government shut down Friday night.

Run!  The sky is falling!  The sky is falling!  Attention, Chicken Littles!  Anyone listening?

Or is it?

As I journeyed around the state over the weekend (at least from Ash Flat to Little Rock to Cord to Sulphur Rock to Batesville), I heard not one comment about the government shutdown.  Do they not know about this halt in finances to so many?  Ignorance?  How blissful is that?  This lack of response concerns me.

Social media was a bit more active with comments on Twitter and a post on Facebook from Fort Huachuca explaining the effects...or lack of.  No sense of real panic...more blame being posted on Twitter than panic, for this is not the first time this has happened, right?  No big deal, right?  Right?

May we consider...

  1. Should we be embarrassed that our government remains shut down...or at least until noon when another vote is scheduled...?
  2. Should we be concerned for those who paychecks are frozen?

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My One Word for 2018: Less

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Each year, for several years now, I have chosen a theme word to go with me throughout the year.  What a journey these words have been for me...and I strongly encourage everyone to adopt this focus each year.

In 2011, I needed peace...I had so much turmoil.  During this time, the gift of peace came.

In 2012, I need times of quiet, for my mom eased into Heaven in January, and, while this was a prayer for which we had mom suffered from severe dementia...that grief process simply takes time.

And so on...every year a word.

This year, my word is less.  Part of the reason I chose this word is, yes, less is more.
Image result for less