Sunday, April 5, 2015

Essay 4.1

Assignment:  Write an essay explaining your views on work.  REMINDER:  this is NOT a paper on your future career.

Purpose/Audience:  Senior Seminar Board
  • You will NOT read this essay to them.
  • Information presented in your essay will be the topics for speech.
  • Format:  APA? MLA?
    • APA!
  • Type:  Argumentative?  Informative?
    • You choose!
    • Tell us while annotating on your cover which type you primarily used.
Length:  500-750 Words

  • 1+ Primary
  • 2+ Secondary

Mrs. Gillmore's Prewriting

  • Step 1:  Identify claim and complete outline.
  • Step 2:  Write four signal phrases and evidence sentences
    • = the A's and B's from the outline
  • Step 2:  Write commentary.
    • = 1's and 2's from the outline
  • Step 3:  Write introduction and conclusion.
  • Step 4:  Format essay.

Mrs. Gillmore's Editing and Revising

Mrs. Gillmore's Publishing

Friday, March 20, 2015

Experiencing BHS History

My time spent on the years for the BHS History Project....has been sooooooooooooo stressful yet so rewarding!  This adventure has had more turns and twists than anticipated, but being a lover of roller coasters, I will survive the ride!

Stress Paragraph

Rewarding Paragraph


Monday, March 2, 2015

Ms. Hackworth: Her Pilgrimage

There was a student named Ms. Hackworth
Who boldly decided to go forth.
She went to college for a degree,
Planning to major in Biology.
Alas, she failed miserably at those,
And her lack of talent was exposed.

English, however, did her good,
So in Alphin Building she finally stood.
In the next three years she learned
And many papers out she churned.
Reading Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Keats,
She learned she loved poetry from the Beats.

But that was not all she did in college.
Sophomore year was a year of knowledge.
Ms. Hackworth decided to become a teacher,
For spreading knowledge, she’d be a preacher.
And so that journey finally began;
Ms. Hackworth finally had a plan.

But all must eventually come to an end,
And from college did she finally transcend.
Leaving behind the shoddy apartments and subpar food,
Finally getting paid put her in a great mood.
She got the job she always dreamed off.
She taught at BHS – what wasn’t to love?

Fresh out of college, she lived with her parents.
She wasn’t that old; still, she couldn’t bear it.
So she paid off her loans, several thousand or so,
And in a few short years she was free to go.
She saved up her money, a dollar here and a quarter there,
She rented an apartment made with change and a prayer.

Teaching near and teaching far,
Ms. Hackworth eventually got a new car.
She applied for grad school and got in,
So that little car was going for a spin.
She drove to Old Miss and got a degree.
But it definitely isn’t in biology!

Now she teaches at Cedar Ridge,
Where once she learned, now she builds a bridge.
She sends students along to Lyon too,
A generation she builds new.
One thing is for certain,

This is not the final curtain. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Gender Roles: Mrs. G's Essay

First Claim:
  • Today, publishing companies more positively impact writers of dystopia literature.
    • No sources to support this.

Revised Claim:  Writers of dystopian literature impact female characters in a positive manner.


I. Creative Lives

II. Stronger Roles
     A.  Male Expectations


  • Hook:  live vicariously through female main characters in dystopian literature
  • Claim: Writers of dystopian literature impact female characters in a positive manner.

Body Paragraph 1

  • "Portrayals of passive females can certainly be found; nevertheless, readers are often offered a chance to experience what females could be instead of what they are." (Source, pg 12)
  • Some say
  • I say

Body Paragraph 2:

  • I Say:  "female characters demonstrated male characteristics, but male characters typically did not deviate from their stereotypical norm" (Source, pg 11)

  • I say
  • I say

Source List