INTRODUCTION: My one word for 2017 is diligent, continuing a now seven-year tradition from which I have gained much more insight about myself. In what ways do I need to become more diligent, more conscientious? I suspect in many, including personal and professional areas of my life.
CHUNK 1: In some ways, some would say that
I chose this word. Maybe I did, for as the month of December rolled around, I did begin thinking of what my next word would. I think. I read. I ponder. I listen. I read some more. I awake at night...and think. This time, no word came. Until. Until New Year's Eve...about 10:30. Then, I knew. My one word would be
CHUNK 2: I would say, though, that diligent chose
me. So how does a word choose me? just happens. (I know...I am not supposed to use the word
it. That's right...I am counting on my students NOT reading this!) So how does a word choose me? I just feel that nudge, that conviction. When I think of another word...and I brain just immediately shifts back to this word. As I assigned this word choice assignment to my students, this method worked for some of them, for before I was finished, I heard some saying, "My word is..." Words
do choose people. Ask them.
CHUNK 3: Some
harbingers that might suggest this word's success in my life would be my diligence in completing tasks I begin in a timely manner. This is already occurring as I continue to clean out areas of my life within my house, including closet, some boxes of papers, but, no...not my books. Maybe this will occur throughout this year as I progressively work with this word...but I love books. I own too many. I have stacks I have never read, but I need them in case one day I want to read that particular book that I bought once upon a time that even, unfortunately, I cannot remember where nor why nor when. Sooo...I will remain diligent as I continue to clean...for the most part, that is.
CONCLUSION: For these reasons, I look forward to the results of this word
diligent in my life...both its impact on me and the ways in which this word will affect others in my life. From my previous years' experience, I know this is a life-changing experience...if taken seriously. Just the other day, a lady shared with me her word...and then her two previous words and the impact they had had on her. Awesome!