Tuesday, September 11, 2012

3B: Blog User Agreement

Using and maintaining a blog requires your commitment and responsibility as a citizen of the digital world. My ultimate goal is to ensure your safety in this online mode of communication.

Please be aware that you are publishing for the world wide web, for everyone online. Ultimately, this makes us more responsible and, at the same time, better writers.

Your blog will be added to the class blog roll here, so everyone's creations may be accessed from that page. While I encourage you to peruse each others' work and to leave comments, what you submit/publish should be your own work.

Your blog, a part of your education at Batesville City High School, should personify the high expectations I have of you. Remember, any activity on your weblog should be considered a school activity, even if the work is completed outside of school. You should also feel free to create posts that are not school related, but these posts, too, should not include anything that could be considered inappropriate, including inappropriate language and inappropriate comments about peers and those in authority positions here at school (teachers, administrators).

Plagiarism is submitting someone else's work as your own. This can be done in many ways: copying work from Wikipedia, classmates, Sparknotes, etc. If you plagiarize your work, you will receive a zero -- no questions asked.

Please go here to read the Batesville High School Blog Code of Conduct.


I agree to submit original work to my blog. I realize I will have the opportunity to view my peers' work, and I will use this opportunity constructively. I understand that if I choose to plagiarize, I will receive a zero for the work in question with no option to redo the assignment in question.

I agree to keep my weblog appropriate for Batesville School. I understand that if inappropriate material were to appear on my weblog, be it from myself or an outside comment, I will be asked to remove it. Failure to do so will result in my blog being removed from the class roll.

To agree, post a comment to this message like this: I, Jane Doe, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

Source for inspiration of this User Agreement


  1. I, Alex Scott, agree to Mrs. Gilmore's Blog User Agreement.

  2. I, Katrina Flores, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  3. I, Amanda Crisp, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  4. I, Shelby Cogar, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  5. I, Brandon Brame, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  6. I, Bekah Hanson, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement

  7. I, Landon Gillmore, agree to Mrs.Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  8. I, Tori Bales, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  9. I, Erika Moreno, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  10. I, Bradley M, agree to Mrs.; Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  11. I, Nick Croft, agree to Mrs.Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  12. I, Autumn Edwards, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement.

  13. I, Daniel Moore, agree to Mrs. Gillmore's Blog User Agreement...
