Thursday, September 13, 2012

Current Connection #1: Once in a Blue Moon

Assignment:  Choose a current event.  Identify the author's purpose;  Then provide evidence and commentary on that evidence.

In a recent article by Rene Lynch in the LA Times entitled "Blue Moon:  Wink at tonight's moon in tribute to Neil Armstrong," Lynch informs her readers of two purposes in writing this article:  1) pay tribute to the passing of Neil Armstrong and 2) inform the public about blue moons.

Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, the man who placed the American flag upon that massive circling orb, was buried last Friday.  What a coincidence that he was laid to rest on the same day as the moon shone in the Heavens for the second time in one month.  Yes, that step he made for mankind was again honored as the moon shone so brightly that evening.

A blue moon?  Could the moon also be sad at the passing of this favored astronaut? 

Guess How Much I Love YouAs reported in the article, this "blue" moon simply signifies a second full moon in one month, a somewhat rare occurrence, occurring about every three or four years, thanks to the variance in the lunar calendar and the monthly calendar.  Interestingly enough, I have heard the saying "once in a blue moon" for years, yet never realized, until reading this article, what that idiom actually meant (just became an active participant in my own learning!).

As I read this article, I could not help but think of the story that I used to read my daughter..."Guess How Much I Love You" containing the famous line "I will love you to the moon...and back."   This is how we remembered Neil Armstrong last year..."to the moon...and back"

Finally, Neil Armstrong was a role model for us all, as he truly was an active participant in his own learning as he modeled initiative, courage, and patriotism.  As he himself said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." (Or did he say it?  Read here for more info!)

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